How We Can Support You

TLDR: Whether you have known about your neurology for a long time or are only recently identifying your differences in processing, we understand and can support you to learn about yourself and help you advocate for what you need.

ADHD, whether diagnosed or self-diagnosed can present a multitude of difficulties in many areas of life. Clients who experience these difficulties often seek coaching in order to understand the way their brain processes information and how they might develop a strategy to reduce the impact that their dysregulation has on their personal or professional life.

Some of the key areas that clients seeking ADHD coaching experience difficulties in include but are not limited to;

  • Time management;
  • Organising;
  • Loosing items;
  • Memory issues.
  • Feelings of paralysis;
  • Procrastination;
  • Difficulty with motivation;
  • Focus;
  • Attention;
  • Distractibility;
  • Frustration tolerance;
  • Anger issues;
  • Impulsivity;
  • Addiction – with various presentations e.g. spending, social media, food (sugar or otherwise), sex, drugs, risk taking or alcohol. 
  • Sensory overwhelm;
  • Sensory sensitivity;
  • Dysregulation of competing stimuli;
  • The need for sensory stimulation, and the frustration tolerance issues that can occur as a result.

And then, perhaps the biggest factor,

With ADHD, we tend to elicit an extreme reaction to either real or perceived;

  • Rejection;
  • Criticism;
  • Feelings/fear of failure;
  • Teasing;
  • Being left out;
  • Not being good enough.


All of which are related to something called Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria a co-occurring condition that studies show is experienced by over 90% of the ADHD population.


Similarly, our ability to perceive the emotions of others and struggle to filter the effects of those emotions on ourselves, can have a significant impact on our own emotional regulation.


The understanding of these two aspects of emotional dysregulation is where we believe the key to success in managing your ADHD lies. When we explore the root of the difficulties, we experience either behaviourally or with executive dysfunction, they often relate back to this unique part of our neurology. When we know this, we can start to accommodate for it.


The emotional presentation of ADHD is not in the diagnostic criteria. It is often not recognised by the health professionals, employers, in education or by society as a whole. However, emotional regulation is commonly reported to be the biggest influence on our ADHD behaviours. It causes the most misdiagnosis in clinical practice (Anxiety, depression, BPD, Bi-polar etc) however, so often misunderstood and under-estimated as the root of our ADHD experience.

During ADHD coaching sessions, we consider every area of ADHD dysregulation. However, we also acknowledge the lack of awareness, support and understanding of the impact of our emotional processing in the ADHD neurology and so seek to provide the bridge between the clinical framework of ADHD and the actual lived experience of how our emotions dictate our decision making day to day and can result extreme reactions that underpin the potential truly debilitating nature of ADHD emotional dysregulation.

By taking time to understand this aspect of your or your loved ones ADHD, we can begin to recognise the patterns in our behaviours, spot the triggers to our natural response to this dysregulation.

During sessions we explore the root of the difficulties that may have presented since last we met, understand their relevance to ADHD and put in place strategies to help.

Practical, evidence-based strategies are commonly recommended by psychiatrists and other clinicians either as a standalone ‘treatment’ of ADHD symptoms or as part of a two pronged approach alongside medication.

The reason why we can consider coaching strategies as ‘treatment’, while in other profiles of neurodivergence we wouldn’t seek to treat and rather would seek only to understand/accept/accommodate, is that ADHD strategies are proven not only to work and provide benefit, but also when implemented correctly, can significantly reduce the amount of anxiety and trauma that occurs as a result of not managing your ADHD behaviours.

Coaching is a proven, effective way to empower people to make neuroaffirming decisions, adjustments and affect change in their lives.

Unlike behavioural therapy, coaching doesn’t seek to change or re-wire the way you see/interact with the world. Instead, coaching is a proven, effective way to empower people to make neuroaffirming decisions, adjustments and affect change in their lives. It offers you the opportunity to embrace your neurodivergent identity, allow others to understand your experience and make adjustments to accommodate your natural processing. 


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