Supporting you to understand neurodivergence

Perspective Coaching’s work is to help clients of all ages develop a positive neurodivergent identity, understand their needs, learn how to meet those needs in order to regulate and where possible learn to advocate for accommodations and adjustments for themselves.



Meet Lisa - Neurodiversity Coach

Perspective Coaching is owned and operated by me, Lisa Poole.

I am both a parent and stepparent to five children, 3 of whom are diagnosed neurodivergent with various diagnoses including Autism (ASD), ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia (DCD).

I have an ADHD diagnosis myself and so identify entirely with the ADHD experience and use this to relate to my clients and offer support and understanding based not only on the neuroscience and clinical research but also using my own lived experience.

Autism Support

Coaching sessions for both autistic adults and children to develop an understanding of their own individual autistic experience.

ADHD Coaching

During sessions we explore the root of the difficulties you are experiencing, understand their relevance to ADHD and put in place strategies to help.

Online Events

We periodically deliver our in-person training programme online via live zoom video presentations.

Admin Support Services

Administrative Support services are available to existing coaching clients to provide support for advocacy, appeals and forms such as EHCPs.

Corporate Training

We offer workplace training to facilitate better understanding and accomodation for neurodivergent individuals in line with the Equality Act 2010.

Ethics and Affordability

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We are clear and transparent about our pricing. We offer session prices, block bookings and clear additional fees for administrative tasks


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