Autism Support

Each autistic person experiences the world in a unique way and while we can often use clinical framework to understand the difficulties an autistic individual may experience, how these difficulties impact that person can vary depending on each person’s upbringing, social and economic situation and other co-occurring factors. 

Working with autistic children provides a great opportunity to help our young autistic community understand their brains at this crucial stage of development, with the aim that understanding their own perspective on the world, the difficulties they might encounter (and the reasons why) and what they may need in order to regulate their mind and body, will create a strong foundation on which to build their life.

ADHD Coaching

ADHD, whether diagnosed or self-diagnosed can present a multitude of difficulties in many areas of life. Clients who experience these difficulties often seek coaching in order to understand the way their brain processes information and how they might develop a strategy to reduce the impact that their dysregulation has on their personal or professional life.

Practical, evidence-based strategies are commonly recommended by psychiatrists and other clinicians either as a standalone ‘treatment’ of ADHD symptoms or as part of a two pronged approach alongside medication.

Online EVents

We periodically deliver our in-person training programme online via live zoom video presentations. 

These events are designed to provide a crash course in the presentation of each profile of neurodivergence and help you to understand both the root of the difficulties you may encounter and what strategies you can use to support these difficulties.

Corporate Training

We offer workplace training to facilitate better understanding and accomodation for neurodivergent individuals in line with the Equality Act 2010.

We have developed a training programme to support workforces and assist them in understanding their neurodivergent employees/coworkers.

Admin Support Services

Being neurodivergent or supporting a neurodivergent person, often brings with it a significant amount of admin tasks that can feel overwhelming.

Whether these tasks are to evidence the support you/you loved one needs, applications for needs to be met or to appeal a decision made about the support available to you, we may be able to assist you.


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